I got my official start in design almost 10 years via shelter magazines. Domino magazine was always my favorite, my golden egg -- the one magazine I respected for true originality, style and accessibility. When they folded, it was an insecure time for print magazines in general. I was working at another magazine at the time and thought my job was secure (they can't all fold, I figured) -- until we lost Domino. If they can't make it, who can? Eventually, my magazine did fold, and I did lose my job. Which brought me to where I am now (so I suppose I shouldn't complain...)
Not too long ago, I saw this post in my Facebook feed:
And I was SO EXCITED. Until I saw the actual issue. Sadly, it is yet another (don't get me started on magazines these days) representation of the corporate takeover of the creative industry -- someone somewhere realized the popularity and the beloved following (still, to this day) of the inspired publication and thought "easy money" to bring it back to life, without regard for soul or integrity. Instead of doing the Domino name justice, they recycled once-original (i.e. old) content as if the general consumer were dumb enough to fall for it (just as most mass-produced, large-corporation-based shelter magazines do to this day; start paying attention).
Don't. Hold your breath (and your money) and hope that someone with pure intentions brings the true Domino name -- and all that it ignites in our design-loving bones -- back to the masses. Until then, keep procrastinating from work, and scour the internet until you find your own true inspiration... Because in the end, that's what matters most.
-x, Allie
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