behind dp

There’s a lot that can be said about past generations – how they lived, what they went through to get us to where we are, and how their lives and styles still influence us to this day. Like many of you, I’m sure, my grandmothers were inspiring women in their own unique ways. Maxine Robins and Cora Lind. Before they each married, they were Maxine Duman and Cora Pierce. This blog is a tribute to them – to the life that they gave me, to the women they were, and to the way in which they continue to inspire long after they’ve passed.

So who am I?
I am an interior designer and stylist with…
an insatiable taste for Thai food
a penchant for pun jokes
a knack for finding delicious cheap wine
a soft spot for rescued animals
and an incessant wanderlust.
[Also known as Allison Lind.]

A resume quickie:
I’ve written and styled for various print and online publications for nearly a decade, covering interior design, travel, food/wine, nightlife and everything in between. And in the last few years I’ve managed to balance a successful career as an interior designer and lifestyle consultant.

Aside from Interior Designer/Stylist and Lifestyle Consultant, here are some other hats that I wear:
Avid Traveler
Novice Chef
Proud Parent of a rescue dog and cat
Expert Cocktail Maker
[and more]