Apr 22, 2012

Fab Finds: Vintage Speaker

With so much modern technology taking over our homes, it's nice to see a little vintage style that fits our contemporary needs. How chic to listen to your favorite iPod playlists via this little beauty!
Vintage Loud Speaker, $725, AustinModern via Etsy

Apr 19, 2012

Fab Finds: New Angela Adams Rug

Little that comes from Angela Adams fails to snag my attention -- colorful and retro-chic? Two of my favorite descriptors. Check out the just-released Dahlia rug. Love it.

Apr 18, 2012

Domino Magazine "is back"? Save yourself the hassle...

I got my official start in design almost 10 years via shelter magazines. Domino magazine was always my favorite, my golden egg -- the one magazine I respected for true originality, style and accessibility. When they folded, it was an insecure time for print magazines in general. I was working at another magazine at the time and thought my job was secure (they can't all fold, I figured) -- until we lost Domino. If they can't make it, who can? Eventually, my magazine did fold, and I did lose my job. Which brought me to where I am now (so I suppose I shouldn't complain...)

Not too long ago, I saw this post in my Facebook feed:

And I was SO EXCITED. Until I saw the actual issue. Sadly, it is yet another (don't get me started on magazines these days) representation of the corporate takeover of the creative industry -- someone somewhere realized the popularity and the beloved following (still, to this day) of the inspired publication and thought "easy money" to bring it back to life, without regard for soul or integrity. Instead of doing the Domino name justice, they recycled once-original (i.e. old) content as if the general consumer were dumb enough to fall for it (just as most mass-produced, large-corporation-based shelter magazines do to this day; start paying attention).

Don't. Hold your breath (and your money) and hope that someone with pure intentions brings the true Domino name -- and all that it ignites in our design-loving bones -- back to the masses. Until then, keep procrastinating from work, and scour the internet until you find your own true inspiration... Because in the end, that's what matters most.

-x, Allie

Apr 16, 2012

Five Points: When Styles Collide

Here's what happens when a client loves industrial modern and a more traditional/antique look. (Thanks Restoration Hardware.)

1 - Swedish Demi Lune Chair, $299 (x2)
2 - Foucault's Orb Crystal Chandelier, $2595
3 - Metal Schoolhouse Collection Chair, $169 (x4)
4 - Grand Baluster Rectangle Dining Table, 72", $1395
5 - Circa 1900s Cast-Metal Bulls Head, $595

Apr 12, 2012

Buzzed Decorating: Part One

Here are some inspirational ideas that got my decorative juices flowing [pun intended] after two glasses of wine. As some famous person somewhere once said, "creativity can be found in a bottle."

[OK, admittedly, some are better than others.]

Photo: Elle Decor

Photo: Unknown

Photo: Unknown

Photo: Unknown

Photo: Zoe Murphy

Apr 10, 2012

Multi-Tasking Relaxation Solution

At the end of every yoga class when my instructor insists that we "clear our heads and find inner peace and quiet," that's precisely when I formulate my mental To Do list for the following hour. My real place of serenity? A slightly too-hot bubble bath with a slightly too-full glass of wine -- and a book that I'd be embarrassed to display on my subway commute. But with one hand holding the wine, and the other one occasionally needed to pour another glass where to keep my book dry? Solid solution courtesy of BlissCraftandBlazen:

Wood Tray by BlissCraftandBlazen via Etsy

Five Points: Spring Brights

Spring tends to bring out the color-lovers in all of us. Here are five brightly hued products that are sure to inspire a little seasonal update.

1 - Currey & Co's Maharani's Chandelier, $3423 at Layla Grace
2 - Zig Zag Throw, $295 at Jonathan Adler
3 - The 20th Century Art Book, on sale for $21 via One King's Lane
4 - Bungalow 5 Hourglass Side Table, $338 at Layla Grace
5 - Isabella Side Chair in Orange, $345 at Burke Decor

Treasure Trove: Glam-tastic wallpaper at DIFFA

I could get lost in wallpaper hunting for days. It's easily one of my favorite decor items -- and my list of go-to sources for such is seemingly endless. One such source, Trove, recently showed off their fashionable flair at this year's DIFFA/Dining by Design event.

Featured in the Hirsch Bedner Associates tablescape, the Indi wallcovering pattern evoked the display's theme of the Brothers Grimm story The Raven. The paper itself is apparently a tribute to one of my favorite Hitchcock thrillers, The Birds, which my mom inexplicably had me watch with her as a young girl (and yet I never developed a deep fear of our flying friends).

Another fab element of this space is the black Swarovski crystal chandeliers -- that, mixed with the gold dining chairs...Gothic chic at its finest.

Apr 4, 2012

All About the Industrial

I consider myself a specialist in perfectly pinpointing what someone's style is (my Style Consultations, so far, have a 100% success rate!) But I always hate when someone asks me "what's your favorite style?" Being a lover of all-things design, it's difficult for me to pinpoint one specific genre. (This could also be due to the fact that I'm a commitment-phobe, and tire of things before the type on their price tag has even begun to fade.) But for some reason right now I'm finding myself fiercely drawn to the Industrial look. (Could be that I'm working with two clients who appreciate elements of the style.) On my hunt for some accent lighting this evening, I came across these two lights that I thought worth sharing -- such a cool yet functional statement on a side table (or, in the case of one versatile baby, hung on an entry or hallway wall).

$140, IronPipeLights via Etsy

$95, The Light Lab via Esty

Apr 3, 2012

Bath Dreaming

I came across this lovely snapshot today while doing some research for a client... What a heavenly place to enjoy an evening glass of red!

Photo: Interior Trends